Energy, Disaster, Climate Change: Sustainability and Just Transitions in Bangladesh

Joyashree Roy, Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Indrajit Pal


To Quote Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman:
“My greatest strength is the love for my people, my greatest weakness is that I love them too much.”
{from :}
“It is not possible to build golden Bengal without golden people”
(The last public address at Suhrawardy Uddan, 26 March 1975)
“I do not say anything to intellectuals. I respect them. I would only say this to them that, please use your intellects for the welfare of the people. I do not say anything more than this”.
(The last public address at Suhrawardy Uddan, 26 March 1975)
“As a man, what concerns mankind concerns me”.
(Unfinished Memoirs, 3 May 1973)
“We can suffer but we don’t die. People’s strength is the biggest force for the challenge of survival. Our aim is to achieve self-dependence”
(Addressing the United Nations, 23 September 1974)
“The world is divided into two halves, the oppressed and the oppressors. I am with the oppressed”.
(At the conference of Non-Alliance Movement, Algiers, 6 September 1973)

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