Leveraging Solar Water Heaters in Jordan: A Simulation-Based Analysis of Efficiency, Diesel Savings, and CO2 Reduction

Mai Bani Younes, Shahnaz Alkhalil, Rafiq Manna


With Jordan increasingly relying on solar water heaters (SWHs), optimizing their performance is crucial. This study investigates the performance of solar water heaters (SWHs) in Jordan using T*SOL software to identify the optimal boiler operation schedule for maximizing system efficiency, fuel savings, and CO2 emission reduction. The research analyzes various scenarios, including boiler operation frequency throughout specific months. The findings reveal that operating the boiler for 2 days per week during December, January, and February (Variant 4) achieves the best results: 36.91% system efficiency, 446.3 liters of diesel saved, and 1,239.2 kg of CO2 emissions avoided. Conversely, operating the boiler daily from October to April (Variant 1) leads to the lowest efficiency (36.53%) and fuel savings (398.8 liters of diesel, 1,107.4 kg of CO2 emissions avoided).


CO2 emissions; Renewable energy; Solar energy; Solar water heaters (SWHs); T*SOL software

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