An Economic Control Strategy for Energy Dispatch for Hybrids in a Microgrid

Alejandro Méndez-Navarro, Oreste Pimentel-Reyes, Felipe Ángel Alvarez-Salgado, Raudel Arteaga-Tovar


The recent surge in electricity demand across industrial, commercial, transportation, and residential sectors has led to the emergence of hybrid energy systems, integrating renewable energy sources and energy storage systems to meet dynamic electricity requirements. This study introduces a control system as an operational strategy, defining an operational policy for an energy management system based on hybrid systems. The control system development considers the dynamic behavior of energy demand, energy purchase and sale prices in the market, and energy unit prices resulting from the implementation hybrid systems. The findings suggest that incorporating a control system in energy management is crucial for achieving enhanced economic performance in energy supply. Additionally, the impact of the hybrid system's operation, determining the timing and quantity of energy supply from both generated and stored sources, is evaluated. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control in providing benefits and comfort for both flexible and inflexible loads. The contributions of this research lie in the development of a comprehensive control system for hybrid energy systems, highlighting its significance in optimizing economic performance and operational efficiency. The findings underscore the practical benefits of the proposed control strategy in enhancing energy supply management and meeting diverse load requirements.


Control dispatch strategy; Demand response; Energy system management; Hybrid energy sources; Storage system

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