A Comparative Study of Microgrid Policies for Rural Electricity Transition between Bangladesh and Thailand

Thongchai Meenual, Parnuwat Usapein


This paper is an exploratory study on the Bangladesh and Thailand rural electricity transition. This study compares the Bangladesh microgrid policies with that of Thailand microgrid policies. The comparative study in several areas considers electricity security, electricity access, environmental sustainability, economic development and growth of the countries. Public data related to microgrid policies in Bangladesh and Thailand had been collected, analyzed and discussed. The comparative case brings out the significant differences while also exploring the range of possible synergies across different dimensions and sectors. Concisely, the transition of rural electricity, driven by microgrid policy in both countries can be achieved by adopting new electricity market structure and regulation. The private sector would play a key role in electricity generation.


Bangladesh microgrid; microgrid policy; renewable energy; rural electricity transition; Thailand microgrid

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